. So verwenden Sie die durchschnittliche True Range in einem Handelssystem: 7. 2011. Dieses Video zeigt Ihnen eine Möglichkeit, die durchschnittliche True Range (ATR) verwenden, um Handels-Signale für ein Handelssystem zu filtern. Es ist eine Anwendung eines kostenlosen Trading-Lektion in einem Durchschnitt True Range Bericht von Marcille Grapa. Der Durchschnittliche True Range (ATR) ist ein Indikator, der von J. Welles Wilder, Jr. entwickelt wurde, der ihn zusammen mit einigen anderen Indikatoren (Parabolic SAR, RSI und Directional Movement Concept) in seinem Buch "Neue Konzepte im technischen Handel" eingeführt hat Systems im Jahr 1978. Die ATR wurde ursprünglich von Wilder entworfen, um die Volatilität von Commodities, einem Instrument, das typischerweise Lücken und Grenzbewegungen aufweist, die auftreten, wenn eine Ware ihre maximale zulässige Bewegung für die Sitzung auf - oder abschaltet, angemessen zu messen. Heute ist die ATR einer der ältesten Indikatoren, die es gibt, aber es ist weit davon entfernt, veraltet zu sein. Was an diesem Indikator sehr interessant ist, ist seine universelle und anpassungsfähige Natur. Thats, warum es gilt und beliebt bei guten Handelssystemen und wird mit einer Vielzahl von Instrumenten verwendet. Viele Handelssysteme nutzen die ATR als ein wesentliches Instrument zur Messung der Volatilität des Marktes. Der Average True Range zeigt die Volatilität in einem bestimmten Instrument an, zeigt aber nicht die Kursrichtung an. Jeder Trader, der scharf darauf ist, ein ausgezeichnetes Handelssystem zu entwickeln, sollte mit dem Average True Range vertraut sein und die vielen Möglichkeiten, wie es verwendet werden kann, um die Performance eines Handelssystems zu verbessern. Die ATR hat zahlreiche Funktionen und ihre allgemeine Anwendung bei der Suche nach Handels-Setups, Einstiegspunkte, Stop-Loss Levels und Gewinn-Profit-Level mit vernünftigen Geld-Management-Technik. Es gab drei Preise bis zu packen, herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Gewinner unten: Frage 1 - Nach dem Ansehen der Video, was Sie sonst noch über Forex Trading oder Forex Strategy Master Prize wissen wollen - Forex Strategy Master System Preis - Apple iPad Air Prize - Amazon Kindle Ich würde immernoch gerne von Ihnen hören. Wenn Sie einen Kommentar oder eine Frage bitte post post unten. Presley Forex Strategie Master System Sieger Russ Sie kennen meine Geschichte, Id folgen Sie an die Enden des Forex-Universums. Ich habe in letzter Zeit 8 bis 10 Stunden täglich zu lesen, Videos zu sehen, Chart-Analyse, Demo-Handel und Lehre mich geduldig zu sein und warten auf die Einrichtung. Das ist der schwierigste Teil für mich und ich glaube wirklich, dass es die Wurzel meines Untergangs ist, ich möchte ständig in einem Geschäft bleiben und Geld verdienen. Ich habe mich durch eine sehr strenge Lernkurve wieder in den letzten Wochen versucht, es in meinen Kopf zu schlagen, um geduldig zu sein, beseitigen den Lärm und Frustration durch die Wiedergabe der höheren Zeitrahmen. In aller Ehrlichkeit Das Spielen dieser höheren Zeitrahmen arbeitet viel besser mit meinem Zeitplan. Es gibt mir die Balance, die ich mit Trading und Familie brauchen. Aber ich musste es selbst herausfinden, anstatt zu hören, was ich gelernt hatte. Ich lerne, den Markt den ersten Schritt zu machen und technischer in meinen Trades zu werden. Nach dem Anschauen des Videos, was würden Sie gerne wissen, über Forex-Handel oder die Forex-Strategie-Master Ich möchte wissen, alles, was mich zu einem Betterconsistent Forex Trader machen wird. Wie für die Forex-Strategie-Master wird es mir ein besseres Trader Teil 1 - Ich bin genau wie der Interviewer. Ich verbringe etwa 3 Stunden pro Tag während des Wochentags etwa 16 Stunden am Wochenende in Forex begraben (learningfine Tuning). Ich liebe Forex möchte in der Lage sein, nur dies zu tun, so kann ich ganz mein Tag Job. Ich habe Handel FX seit 2006 Ich kann nicht scheinen, um es konsequent zu machen. Ill gut tun, dann werde ich Monate gehen und verlieren die meisten meiner Gewinne. Ich liebe das letzte System, das ich gekauft habe, aber Im, das nur die täglichen Diagramme handelt, die es rau gewesen ist, das seit Sept. gehandhabt wird. Es ist hart, Ihr eigenes Kinn oben zu halten, wenn Tag für Tag Sie Ihren Kapitalbehälter sehen. Aber Im nicht ein Quitter. Teil 2 - Ich möchte wirklich eine Strategie, die konsequent gewinnt mehr, als es verliert immer noch passt mit meinem Job. Ive versucht Systeme, die gut tun, während der London oder NY offen, aber dann bekomme ich nie den Schlaf Ich brauche, um smart trading Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die ganze Nacht im letzten Frühling kostete mich fast meinen Job, weil ich so müde war, dass ich nicht hörte, wie mein Alarm ausging. Im noch auf Bewährung wegen der 3 tardies. Ich freue mich auf den 2. Teil des Interviews, weil es einfach so genial ist, Russ zu sehen. Er ist genau so, wie ich es für möglich gehalten hätte. Interessiert, intelligent, entspannt, selbstbewusst, engagiert und ein erfolgreicher Trader. Ich möchte so sein wie er. Nach dem Anschauen dieses kurzen Videos, glaube ich, dass Forext Trading ist viel mehr als zu wissen, wie zu handeln. Wenn es so einfach wäre, dann gäbe es viel mehr erfolgreiche Geschichten. Ich denke, Russ gab uns nur einen sehr großen ersten Hinweis. Sie brauchen Engagement. Ich werde warten, um zu sehen, was andere immaterielle Hinweise Russ bieten wird. Ja, Russ hat zweifellos seine Forex Strategy Master System perfektioniert, die er anbieten wird. Wie der Rest von euch, werde ich für seinen nächsten Video warten und hoffentlich andere Weisheiten extrahieren, die Russ Horn abheben von den anderen marketersMarcille Grapa Forexworld die Indikatoren in dieser Strategie verwendet werden, sind 10 EMA, 25 EMA, 50 EMA und Parabolic SAR (, 02) - Standardeinstellungen. Kontaktieren Sie mich mit Iq Option Expert Ich bin immer hier verfügbar, um Ihnen zu helfen. Stock-tradingparabolic-sar-Strategie-angewendet-to-the-us-Dollar (KLICKEN SIE HIER FÜR DEN VOLLEN BERICHT UND DIE 2 WOCHE FREE PROGRAMM LINK I GESPRÄCHT IN IN die Video-Marcille Grapa Forexworld Mv Trading Online Tagen her. Marcille grapa Forex Broker Forex Terbaik di Indonesien 2015 Handel mit binären Optionen Checkliste bewährte stock Trading-Strategien Forex Fabrik.) Diese Parabolic Sar Strategie beinhaltet die Verwendung der ADX-Indikator mit der Sar eine leistungsstarke erstellen Swing Trader Werkzeug. Roster erfolgreicher Vorstands Vorübergehende für den November 2008 Philippine Nursing Board Prüfungen Ergebnisse Nachnamen Ab H von H MOHAMMAD zu Hussien: 18331 H MOHAMMAD, ABDULFAHAD MAUYAG 18332 H OMAR, SAADA DIDA-Agun 18333 Habab, MARIA SHEILA LYN DUATIN 18334 HABABAG, KATRINA ESCOSIA 18335 HABARADAS, KARL JAN COFREROS 18336 HABAA, MARGARETE ARCE 18337 HABIBON ROBINSON TAWASIL 18338 HABIBUDDIN, ROSE-NA SAHID 18339 HABLA, Enril LEGASPI 18340 HABLA, JOANNA MARIE PORTILLANO 18341 HABLO, PEACHY ROBLEZA 18342 HABUNGAN, JOVIRLY CASTRO 18343 HACBANG, ERLINDA PACAYRA 18344 Hachero, ANGELIKA PEREZ 18345 HADJAIL, MUR-Adawiya Aming 18346 HADJI AMIN, Amanie DATU-Olama 18347 HADJI ASLI, Abdel NAZIR Astami 18348 HADJI PERAMLE, SEDRIE ALONZO 18349 HADJI salischen, Sittie ALIYAH ASTUDILLO 18350 HADJIMUDDIN, JARNIHA PASLANGAN 18351 HADJINOR, HADJIB MAJUL RAMIREZ 18352 HADJIRI, ALMAIDA MADJID 18353 HADJIRUL, SHIERYNUR DAUD 18354 HADJIRULLA, Aniza CLARIN 18355 HADJIRULLA, NURHANA BUTOCAN 18356 HADJULA, MER-Shariff ABSARI 18357 HADLOCON, MARY ANTONETTE BERNABE 18358 HAFALLA, Aprille ABENOJA 18359 HAGAD, ROSE PEARL SACDALAN 18360 HAGUTIN, LEAH BAUTISTA 18361 HAGUYAHAY, GLAUBE ENCLONAR 18362 HAIDAR, Nahida Borero 18363 HAINTO, MA AIRSYLE DELA CRUZ 18364 HAIRANE, CHERRY CORDERO 18365 HAJAL, ZUR Hanina MUKARAM 18366 Hajan, ANALIZA SABTURAJI 18367 HALAGO, LORY MAE Balbontín 18368 halaman, EYMARD JAMES GAOAT 18369 HALASAN, ESTRELLITA CADIZ 18370 HALASAN, LINA DAIGDIGAN 18371 HALDOS, Marie Antoinette HENSON 18372 HALIGADO, Zindy BARB Suiço 18373 HALILI, APRIL LYN OLIPANE 18374 HALILI, FRANCIS LAURENCE Navalta 18375 HALILI, FREDERIC FEDIE LUMANLAN 18376 HALILI, JACQUELINE LAO 18377 HALILI, JAMIE ELOISE JUNI 18378 HALILI, JANE Arlyn PARCASIO 18379 HALILI, SUGAR RAY RAYO 18380 HALINA, MIE AMOR CAHAPAY 18381 HALIPA, FATMA INTHIEZAR BERTO 18382 HALIPA, MARY JOY SOTOMIL 18383 HALIPA, SUYCHELLE PADERES 18384 HALLADO, Liezel BALADIANG 18385 HÅLLARE, MARIAN IRIS CANET 18386 HALLASGO, darleene TAHUM 18387 HALLASGO, Rosein TAHUM 18388 HALLEGADO, JOSIE CHRISTE SUMALPONG 18389 HALLEGADO, LOUELLA SAMULDE 18390 HALOOT, NATHANIEL BENDOY 18391 HALUAG, ALVIN VIDUYA 18392 HAMAC, DARYL URO 18393 HAMAC, KATHRYN Selorio 18394 HAMANO, Tashia AI Banesa QUINTERO 18395 HAMBRE, aien MARIE PATLUNAG 18396 HAMBRE, AILEEN MAR AMANCE 18397 hámor, SHARON HILIS 18398 HAMOY, KEVIN MIGUEL ESTACION 18399 HAMOY, KRISTINE GRACE PECACHE 18400 HAMPAC, Gieron BARRY NAZARENO 18401 HAMPAC, SHERRY ANNE GALLO 18402 HAMSANI, KENNETH EMBELLADO 18403 HAMUDDIN, EDWIN BAKIL 18404 HANDUGAN, JAN PATRICE BEDUYA 18405 HANGAD, CINDY Suiço 18406 HANGDAAN kann KRIZHNA HUMIDING 18407 HANSEN, STEPHEN JOY ESPERANZATE 18408 HAO, BEA MILLICENT MAGLALANG 18409 HAO, CLARENCE JOY FERNANDEZ 18410 HAO, JANE FERNANDO 18411 HAO, KIERSTIE REYES 18412 HAO CUENCO, KATHRYN DELICANO 18413 Hapal, MARY ANN ENCLONAR 18414 HAPITAN, JOSEPH Galero 18415 HARADJI, ROQUIA SALAUDEN 18416 HARDER, MARIA SOL CAPANANG 18417 HARDER, Myrine JADE ESMAYA 18418 HARDER, RODJE SAJISE 18419 HASE, SIGRID ESPIRITU 18420 HARINA, KRISTEL JOY JOBOG 18421 HARO, ODETTE ALBINO 18422 HARUN, Faiza NARAWI 18423 HARUN, Farrishs Vidad 18424 HASPELA, IZA MARIE BACALI 18425 HASPELA, MARIANE CHRIS Gamis 18426 HASSAN, Farisa HAMID 18427 HASSAN, HAYDEE SAMANTE 18428 HASSAN, VINA-UDAISIANA CHANG 18429 Hassanzadeh, SHIRIN VELASCO 18430 HATULAN, OLIVER PAUL AGUSTIN 18431 HAVANA, Naomie BARDOS 18432 HAVERIA, MARIA CRISTINA FADOL 18433 HAW, KATRINA Bandala 18434 HAWTHORNE, PRINZESSIN BURAYAG 18435 HAYA, LARRISS LEAO 18436 HAYAGAN, Ijay DAMASCO 18437 HAYO, MAUREEN jhen GANUB 18438 HAYUDINI, marha NAHUDAN 18439 HAYUDINI, SHARFIYA Jalani 18440 HAYUDINI, VERHANA Jalani 18441 HEBIA, ARIANNE DICDICAN 18442 HEBRA, ALYSSA VILLAJUAN 18443 HEBRON, KISSY ANN bacho 18444 HEBRON, MADELEINE BERMOY 18445 HEBRON, MARIA KATRINA PURISIMA 18446 HECHANOVA, HONEY HENRIETH TOMANAN 18447 HECHANOVA, IRISCHE MAE TALUSAY 18448 HECHANOVA, MA ALPHA Gayoso 18449 HECHANOVA, PHILIP DITCHELLA 18450 HEDOCIL, GAYA Tangaro 18451 HEDRIANA, SHECEN VICENTE 18452 HALLO, ALVIN JOSEPH LAGRADA 18453 HELUDO, ANA JIMENEZ 18454 HEMADY, JEZRELLE GERARDO 18455 HEMEDEZ, GUIA OSTER LIANNA DURON 18456 HENARES, LORINA ESPIA 18457 Henga, CRISPIN JR GETURO 18458 Henson, Pocholo Abelio Tapang 18459 HENSON, VON KARMEL MERCADO 18460 HERBILLA , KATHY LHYNN GORDON 18461 HERCE, ROSALYN Magsino 18462 Hereda, MERVIN BALUBAL 18463 HEREZO, LICEL ARDENIO 18464 HERMANO, ETHEL MERCADO 18465 HERMANOS, MARK GABRIEL BRILLANTES 18466 hermenegildo, Nevie SORIANO 18467 HERMINA, JOHANN JOSEPH II DE JESUS 18468 HERMINA, OWEN Juni RENDON 18469 HERMINIGILDO, DIANNE MARCIANO 18470 HERMINIO, Joycee FELICILDA 18471 Hermino, JEY SQUARE SISON 18472 HERMITANIO, DÄNEMARK Ulita 18473 HERMO, JUDITH GUTIERREZ 18474 HERMO, KRISBELLE PARIS 18475 HERMOGENO, MARIA LENNY MELEGRITO 18476 HERMOSA, JUDIMEL aiza MOLO 18477 HERMOSILLA, psyche JUEN 18478 HERMOSILLA, TRISTAN TAMORIA 18479 HERMOSO, BEVERLY AGARPAO 18480 HERMOSO, Crystabelle ROSE LUMOD 18481 HERMOSO, JAN ABIGAIL LACANGLACANG 18482 HERMOSO, MARIA CECILIA Salig 18483 HERMOSO, Marybeth Pastelero 18484 HERMOSO, Mitchie ROSE DE GRANO 18485 HERMOSO, RUVIE reuma 18486 hermosura, ANNE Kristene SANTOS 18487 hermosura , KAREN Buenafe 18488 Hernáez, ANGELIKA LARRAGA 18489 Hernáez, FRANCIS FERNANDEZ 18490 Hernáez, HEIDEE GACUTAN 18491 Hernáez, KATHERINE MARY ONG 18492 Hernáez, KATHLEEN JOY QUIJANO 18493 Hernáez, KEVIN SEAN Guce 18494 Hernáez, MYRLA MAGO 18495 Hernals, LUIDONA MILAN 18496 Hernals, RAYMOND CARL CRUZ 18497 HERNAN, MARVIN JOHN PENRAD 18498 HERNANDEZ, Achsah MICHAL OBIAS 18499 HERNANDEZ, ALVIN ELIZALDE 18500 HERNANDEZ, ANDREA DELA CRUZ 18501 HERNANDEZ, ANGIENLYN TORRES 18502 HERNANDEZ, Ayesa KAREN GARCIA 18503 HERNANDEZ, BEVERLY MAE ILAO 18504 HERNANDEZ, BONIFACIO JR VILLEGAS 18505 HERNANDEZ CHRISTIAN RENIVA 18506 HERNANDEZ, CRISTAL LIZ OCAMPO 18507 HERNANDEZ, CRISTY Jalandoni 18508 HERNANDEZ, DAISY Ginete 18509 HERNANDEZ, DARYL POSERIO 18510 HERNANDEZ, DAVID SIGMUND LAZARO 18511 HERNANDEZ, DESNA LIPANA 18512 HERNANDEZ, DONNA MAI CATAN 18513 HERNANDEZ, ERIC MICHAEL ABUNGAN 18514 HERNANDEZ, Eufronio III MENDOZA 18515 HERNANDEZ, GERELIN MACATANGAY 18516 HERNANDEZ, GRETA ANNE GUEVARRA 18517 HERNANDEZ, Harlene MAGCAWAS 18518 HERNANDEZ, HERBERT DELA CRUZ 18519 HERNANDEZ, HONEY KEITH RULL 18520 HERNANDEZ, IRENE Maranan 18521 HERNANDEZ, IRISCHE MACASLING 18522 HERNANDEZ, JHEFFREY DeMillo 18523 HERNANDEZ, JO ANNA GREGORIO 18524 HERNANDEZ, JOHN CARLO ALCANTARA 18525 HERNANDEZ, JOHN Rhaman OWANO 18526 HERNANDEZ, Jossie DE VILLA 18527 HERNANDEZ, KAREN Refran 18528 HERNANDEZ, KATHERINE JEAN STA MARIA 18529 HERNANDEZ, KIMBERLY ROQUE 18530 HERNANDEZ, KRISHNA LONGOS 18531 HERNANDEZ, KRISTY MARIE DE PERALTA 18532 HERNANDEZ, KRIZZAN Juni ARCALLANA 18533 HERNANDEZ, Laarni manalo 18534 HERNANDEZ, LEAH JANSON 18535 HERNANDEZ, Loida Umali 18536 HERNANDEZ, Loriane MAGNAYE 18537 HERNANDEZ, LOUDE MAE BULAK 18538 HERNANDEZ, LOURLIE BEBE 18539 HERNANDEZ, MARIA KATHERINE Tapang 18540 HERNANDEZ, MARIA TERESA GARDE 18541 HERNANDEZ , Maria Valley ECAL 18542 HERNANDEZ, MARIA WILMA Layug 18543 HERNANDEZ, MARK Montiero 18544 HERNANDEZ, MARY GRACE ORTEGA 18545 HERNANDEZ, MERCY MIRANDA 18546 HERNANDEZ, MICHAEL laylay 18547 HERNANDEZ, MICHAEL PAA 18548 HERNANDEZ, MYRA Balmores 18549 HERNANDEZ, NAIZARETH DIMAPILIS 18550 HERNANDEZ, NHOEL 18551 MARIANO HERNANDEZ, NICANOR JR VISTAL 18552 HERNANDEZ, PAMELA JANE LAZARO 18553 HERNANDEZ, PATRICIA BERNICE LORENZO 18554 HERNANDEZ, Quennie GUERRA 18555 HERNANDEZ, Rechelle PERITO 18556 HERNANDEZ, REYNALDO JR Beldia 18557 HERNANDEZ, rhiza DAVID 18558 HERNANDEZ, RHONDA MAGPALI 18559 HERNANDEZ, RICHARD TAMAYO 18560 HERNANDEZ, RICHARDSON NAVARRO 18561 HERNANDEZ, ROBIN TRUFIL 18562 HERNANDEZ, Rodessa Abuan 18563 HERNANDEZ, ROMEO CHRISTOPHER BALBON 18564 HERNANDEZ, RONA RIVAS 18565 HERNANDEZ, RYAN JACOB BUTCON 18566 HERNANDEZ, RYNPLE BOY SOSA 18567 HERNANDEZ, SARAH JEAN VERDEFLOR 18568 HERNANDEZ, VIRGINIA Visitación 18569 HERNANDEZ, WENDY OLIVARES 18570 HERNANDEZ, WILLY ADANTE 18571 HERNANDO, IRWIN VILLANUEVA 18572 HERNANDO, MARIA MONICA SATURNINO 18573 HERNANDO, REYNA ENRIQUEZ 18574 HERNANDO, SONNEN MARIPOSQUE 18575 Hernie, MARYVIN EVANGELISTA 18576 HERPACIO, ROSE KATRINA CUDIA 18577 HERRADURA, ALTHEA MABEL ATRERO 18578 HERRADURA, MICHELLE ANNE Borres 18579 Herras, LAURO ALEJANDRO GARCIA 18580 HERRERA, ALAN MENDOZA 18581 HERRERA, BRYAN CESAR Decena 18582 HERRERA, cHARMAINE PASCUA 18583 HERRERA, FATIMA ANGELIKA FACELO 18584 HERRERA, GALEN CRUZ 18585 HERRERA, GLOMARIE CASTRO 18586 HERRERA, Jacquelene KAYE ZUBIETO 18587 HERRERA, JESSICA JENNIFER ronquillo 18588 HERRERA, JESSIE ACOSTA 18589 HERRERA, JOHN Perrett OLIVAR 18590 HERRERA, Jovelyn MORENTE 18591 HERRERA, LI ANN FABUNA 18592 HERRERA, Louisa May DELA MERCED 18593 HERRERA, MARK JOHN FUENTES 18594 HERRERA, MICAH ROSS Marcellana 18595 HERRERA, PAULO MIGUEL JOHNSON 18596 HERRERA, RACHELLE ANN GUEVARRA 18597 HERRERA, SHERRYDALE QUEEN DILAO 18598 Herrero, ALEXIS LUMAWON 18599 Herrero, ARNELLI ONG 18600 Herrero, MAUREEN FRANCISCO 18601 Herrero, PATRICK VISANDE 18602 HERUELA, KEITHLEEN Estoque 18603 HERUELA, XYLPH BRYAN Estoque 18604 HERVILLA, Sheina MAE POBLACION 18605 zu zögern, Alodia LUMBIS 18606 HETUTUA, maricón GUTIERREZ 18607 HEYRES, NEOZAN GRACE LEYVA 18608 HIADAN, VILLA LIZA CUYOP 18609 HIBALER, Jasie JANE INTREPIDO 18610 HIBALER, MERRY RICH BUENACOSA 18611 HIBAYA, KHARMELA CZAREN LAGANGA 18612 HIBIONADA, BENSON NENIEL 18613 HIBIONADA, MARIA PEACHY VIVIENNE COMBATE 18614 HIBIONADA, MELODY GRACE ACUYONG 18615 HIDALGO, APRIL BERNADETTE MENDOZA 18616 HIDALGO, BEVERLY alcid 18617 HIDALGO, cHARMAINE MARTIN 18618 HIDALGO, Dyan KRISTEL ONA 18619 HIDALGO, JAMIE Vanton Labra 18620 HIDALGO, JEROME NOEL CALMA 18621 HIDALGO, JOEFFREY Moirés 18622 HIDALGO, Jolivette FERNANDEZ 18623 HIDALGO, JOYCE MAE Vicencio 18624 HIDALGO, MADEL CRUZ 18625 HIDALGO, MARY JANE BIADO 18626 HIDALGO, SHEEHAN Margarett GUTIERREZ 18627 HIDLAO, GUADA MARIE Plazo 18628 HIELO, JESSLENE FABRIGAS 18629 HIJADA, TEZAH TINA MACK 18630 Hilado, IRENE MAE GAMBAN 18631 HILAHAN, MARYKRIS KIMBERLEY CERINA 18632 HILAJOS, KATHY ESTORQUE 18633 HILARIO, AMII ZOILA PEREZ 18634 HILARIO, AUBREY MAI Pingot 18635 HILARIO, FRANCIA DE LEON 18636 HILARIO, FRANCIS ANTHONY GREGORIO 18637 HILARIO, JENA LEABRES 18638 HILARIO, JOHN JOSEPH DE Ungría 18639 HILARIO, KATHLEEN TOLENTINO 18640 HILARIO, KIM HENNA VALERIE DASMARIAS 18641 HILARIO, MA ALLELI HERRERA 18642 HILARIO, MA CHRISTINA Bovida 18643 HILARIO, MA LUISA IBAEZ 18644 HILARIO, MARK GIAN onita 18645 HILARIO, NOEL VILLAFUERTE 18646 HILARIO, PEARL NELLY PLACEER 18647 HILARIO, RENEEVI CASTAEDA 18648 Hilay, Muammar al Yalung 18649 HILIRAN, Annalyn CORRALES 18650 HILOMEN, ROHELEX PADILLA 18651 HILVANO, CAMILLE LUCERO 18652 HIMBING, LIZA MAE BALDADO 18653 HIMPON, SAHMIR Bermudo 18654 HINAL, SYLVIA LORENZO 18655 HINAMPAS, AMYHRRA JOY DUEAS 18656 HINGCO, JANESSA BIANCA Siazon 18657 HINGCO, JENNALIE SY 18658 HINGGO, JANICE Caryl PINTACASI 18659 HINGGO, JERICKSON ANDICO 18660 HINGHING, LORENA Garan 18661 HINGOSA, JAYCEL MAI MADRID 18662 HINGPIS, JEFF STEPHEN PITALBO 18663 HINGPIT, FRANCISCA SENOC 18664 HINLO, ALBERTO JR GREGORIO 18665 Hino-O, RICHELLE DESCATAMIENTO 18666 HINOJOSA, MARY ROSE MONIQUE LIBOON 18667 HINOLAN, JOVANI PALOMAR 18668 HIOLEN, CHERRY ANN Manatad 18669 HIPOLITO, ALFIE REYES 18670 HIPOLITO, BIANCA Panlilio 18671 HIPOLITO, DENNIS REGANIT 18672 HIPOLITO, DIANNE SERRANO 18673 HIPOLITO, DIANNE Rapunsel RODRIGUEZ 18674 HIPOLITO, JAYCEE SANTOS 18675 HIPOLITO, JEFFREY TIBLE 18676 HIPOLITO, JENARO MERCADO 18677 HIPOLITO, JHOANE REGANIT 18678 HIPOLITO, LLORINA FRIAS 18679 HIPOLITO, LOLITA Galang 18680 HIPOLITO, MA LOREN Cario 18681 HIPOLITO, MARIELLE GUILLERGAN 18682 HIPOLITO, NEIL BRYAN SUAREZ 18683 HIPOLITO, REY PINEDA 18684 HIPOLITO, RODA TAYNAN 18685 HIPOLITO, ROMEL UMITEN 18686 HIPOLITO, ROSE ANN BROSAS 18687 HIPOLITO, Véronique IRA Bundang 18688 HIPONIA, ANN MAUREEN PUSPUS 18689 HIPONIA, MARY JANICE Banaban 18690 HIPULAN, EDWARD CYRIL MABIDA 18691 HISITA, Abegail SABLAON 18692 HISTORIA, CHLOE FUNA 18693 HITGANO, SHEM GARBO 18694 HIWATIG, MARIA KATHLEEN GALISANAO 18695 HIYANG, PUTLIH Nurul-IN MUKSAN 18696 HIZOLA, MA SHEENA METEORIO 18697 HIZOLE, JERALD MALAPIT 18698 HIZON, AUDREY GRACE CATU 18699 HIZON, DEBBIE JOY ACOSTA 18700 HO, Abigaël REENA GUILLEN 18701 HO, CHARLENE MAE LEE 18702 HO, EVANGELYNE SUMALPONG 18703 HOJAS, Raina KRISHMAE CABANGBANG 18704 HOJAS, SWEET Lanah MOTUS 18705 HOLASCA, KELVIN KEITH CUMBIS 18706 holgado, Jenie LANE GALICIA 18707 holgado, LEIZYL DOGELIO 18708 HOLIPAS, CECIRO JAMES PESTAO 18709 HOLLERO, RONA Sagala 18710 Hollon, JOEL Calica 18711 HOMBREBUENO, AVA MARIE ALCANTARA 18712 HOMBREBUENO, JIMBO SEREO 18713 HOMBROG, HAZY JADE bugoy 18714 HOMERES, Geremy NALDA 18715 HOMERES, IRENE AGNES PAMAOS 18716 HOMEZ, MA LOURDES LOPEZ 18717 HONCULADA, CRISTINA MARIE 18718 Hondillo, CHER DELFIN 18719 Hondos, MELODY MAI BERNABE 18720 HONG, DENNIS TIU 18721 HONG, KENNETH REY FRUCTOSO 18722 HONG, QUEENIE SY 18723 honorario, CINDY GALE ESTABILLO 18724 honorario, Darleen ESCABILLAS 18725 HONORIO, PRISCILLA MAE SY 18726 HONRADO, CONRADELL JR SABOLBORA 18727 HONSAYCO, GLENDA MALANUM 18728 Hontanar, IVY Corpuz 18729 HONTEMARA, ELLA LACNO 18730 Hontiveros, KRISTINE DE VILLA 18731 Hontiveros, MARIANNE DOMINIQUE LLANES 18732 Hontiveros, MARICA CAMILLE CORRAL 18733 HORARIO, IVY PERPETUA OLANGAR 18734 Horca, ANGELA MORON 18735 HORMACHUELOS, EDWARD MALAKI 18736 HORMACHUELOS, FARAH GRANADA 18737 HORMIGAS, Geofrey Veluz 18738 HORMILLOSA, CIDEL CHAVEZ 18739 HORNIDO JESSICA ROSE THERESE Densing 18740 Hornilla, CHRISTINE APPLE DE OCAMPO 18741 Hornilla, SHERYL ESTOYA 18742 Hortelano, MARY glenis CHUA 18743 Hortelano, SONNEN FRANCES DUGAYON 18744 HORTILANO, RITCHELE BELLINGAN 18745 HORTILLOSA, JADE TAN 18746 Hortizuela, CHRISTIAN ALLAN ALMAZAN 18747 HOSMILLO, AIRISH Malabag 18748 HOSMILLO, RACHEL ANN AMAZONA 18749 HOWARD, JEROME 18750 HUANG, HANNA LEE PERALTA 18751 HUANG, NIO DEM KARLO MAGNAYE 18752 HUBAC, MELODY TUMARAO 18753 HUBERO, ZARAH MAE Ordoyo 18754 HUCOM, Lanie ELCAMEL 18755 Hudak, SHEENA SHERYL CARCELLAR 18756 HUDIATA, MA CAMILLE Ojacastro 18757 HUDIERES, MARY JO VILLANUEVA 18758 HUELAR, ANDREA MASENDO 18759 Huele, DianaH JANE LOPEZ 18760 HUERTAS, marvie Benneth SANTOS 18761 HUERTO, HERBERT VALE 18762 HUERTO, MARISSA HABAA 18763 HUERTO, MICHAEL PAPA 18764 HUERTO, PAULA ESCAMILLA 18765 HUFALAR, JULIE ANN MENDOZA 18766 HUFALAR, RYAN CASILLA 18767 HUFANA, JULIUS GERALD MILLEZA 18768 HUFANA, SHEILA MARIE BATAN 18769 HUFANO, CESTRINA MARIE Carolino 18770 HUGO, RICHARD Marasigan 18771 HUGO, Shenna IAN ARGANA 18772 HUGO, TED FRANCIS MANUEL 18773 HUILAR, SUNSHINE SOBERANO 18774 HULAR, CHERRY ANN DE CASTRO 18775 HULAR, ERIZALDE APIAS 18776 HULLEZA, APRIL JOY OCBEA 18777 HUMANG-IT, ROSEMARIE MONTALBAN 18778 HUMARANG, KRISTINE JOY RAMOS 18779 HUMAWID, FRANCIS LOUIE Allera 18780 HUMIWAT, RUTH TADAO 18781 HUNG, JASMIN Reeva LIM 18782 HUNG, PHILIP JR SANTOS 18783 HUNGRIANO, MA CORAZON PINGOL 18784 HURAO, CHRISTIAN ARVIN FIGUERA 18785 HURGO, JOEL REY RIVERO 18786 HURGO, MELANIE ACOSTA 18787 HURNA, EMILY TUAYON 18788 HURTADA, Glaiza Gelacio 18789 HURTADA, MARY CEL FANTILANAN 18790 Hurtado GODFREY AIZEL ALONZO 18791 HUSANA, MARY ANN QUINA 18792 HUSSAIN, FATIMA SATURNO 18793 Hussien, CHERRY JOY Onia 18794 Hussien, EFTISHAR Sarabi Congratulations EMA Crossover und Parabolic SAR-Strategie kann für jedes Währungspaar verwendet werden, und dies ist für 1 Stunde oder 4 Stunden Zeitrahmen Charts. 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Sie können die Strategie überprüfen ema-Crossover-and-parabolisch-sar-Strategie können Sie prüfen, alle Strategien, die auf Forex-strategiesThis Strategie speziell für meine fb Nachfolger vorbereitet ist, die IQ-Optionen sehr neu sind (Binary Option), wird die Strategie Machen Sie voller Vertrauen Eröffnung einer Position, lesen Sie es sorgfältig, um Leistungen zu erhalten. Warum Menschen verlieren Geld auf binäre Optionen Trading Signale Diese leistungsstarke Methode kann mit jedem Lager in jedem Markt verwendet werden. Marcille Grapa Forexworld Thankslessonsparabolic-sar-for-the-größten-Cheater-in-wall-street-Geschichte parabolisch-sar-Strategie für mehr Handel mit Videos wie dieses. Sehen Sie dieses Video wieder m VD52VEgsuo Einer der möglichen Anwendungen der Parabolic SAR Trendindikator, der signalisiert, über einen günstigen Handelsschluss, kann seine Verwendung als eine schleppende Stop. Marcille Grapa Forexworld Binär-Optionen Webinar-Fragen Beispiele für die Arbeit mit Indikator sind in der Videoaufzeichnung angegeben. Marcille Grapa Forexworld Parabolic SAR ist ein Indikator, der mit Meta Trader 4 kommt, um Forex und anderen Händlern zu helfen. Dieses Video, Marcille Grapa wird Ihnen zeigen, wie sie die Williams Range Indikator in ihrem Handelssystem verwendet. In diesem Video erkläre ich, wie Sie diese kleine Parabolic SAR Indikator verwenden können und ich erkläre meine Strategie auch in sehr einfachen Worten, so dass Sie lernen können. Forex Broker Bewertungen Fxcm Demo Roster der erfolgreichen Board Passanten für die November 2008 Philippines Nursing Board Prüfungen Ergebnisse Familiennamen beginnend mit I von bis. 18795 Ibabao, ROSAURO JR IRABON 18796 IBALE, REINA ALMEDA 18797 IBALE, TRISTAN DALEJA 18798 Ibana, Rhodora CABULAGAN 18799 IBAO, GEMINI KEVIN VENEZUELA 18800 Ibarbia, MA SOCORRO REPATACODO 18801 IBARRA, ANGELO MARCELINO 18802 IBARRA, BEVERLY ANNE Madamba 18803 IBARRA, CECILE BACNIS 18804 IBARRA, JHOVIE SOMODIO 18805 IBARRA, KRENZKA FRANCES GUZMAN 18806 IBARRA, MARC DARWIN CAPICIO 18807 IBARRA, RACHELLE ANNE Tayag 18808 Ibarreta, CHRISTINE MICHELLE 18809 Ibarreta, ROLAND ESLABRA 18810 IBARRIENTOS, ARIANNE LLANZA 18811 IBARRIENTOS, MARICEL Orcin 18812 Ibarrola, ANTHONY MARTIN OBLENA 18813 IBASAN APRIL Bibera 18814 IBASAN, LAURA MAI curato 18815 IBASAN, MARCO PRADO 18816 IBASAN, MARY DONNA NAVARRO 18817 IBASCO, LEA MAI ESQUIVEL 18818 IBASCO, MARIA THERESA CO 18819 IBASITAS, MICHELLE ISLA 18820 IBATUAN, MICHELLE JAYME 18821 i-bay, BELMA MARIE ISAAC 18822 i-bay , cHARMAINE PACIS 18823 i-bay, JOSE ISIDORO Diosdado Dizon 18824 i-bay, KHRISTIANA MARIE MENDOZA 18825 i-bay, MICHELLE DIAZ 18826 i-bay, YZELLE LOUISE YAMONGAN 18827 IBAEZ, Anna Kristine Lomboy 18828 IBAEZ, APRIL MARIE LIM 18829 IBAEZ, CALVIN Cayot 18830 IBAEZ, CATHERINE Bibao 18831 IBAEZ, DANTE RAFAEL CAPRICHO 18832 IBAEZ, DESIREE LICAROS 18833 IBAEZ, GLAUBE CAA 18834 IBAEZ, FLORIE MAE ALESNA 18835 IBAEZ, LEONA DALE ANGELI NERA 18836 IBAEZ, MARIA TERESITA MIRADOR 18837 IBAEZ, MICHELLE CORONADO 18838 IBAEZ, RAQUEL LLAMASAREZ 18839 IBAEZ, REY JOEY ARLANZA 18840 IBAEZ, RINARUTH PAGENTE 18841 IBAEZ, RODRIGO JR CRISOSTOMO 18842 IBAEZ, Sharla SHAYNE Tabasa 18843 IBE, BEVERLY MANGUNE 18844 IBE, GERARD MAGSUMBOL 18845 IBERA, MARI-CARR CAPA 18846 Ibno, AL-RAZID ABRAHAM JAMION 18847 IBO, DELFIN JR VILUAN 18848 IBO , Jinky AMPONGAN 18849 IBO, LAWRENCE JUDE aliar 18850 IBO, MARIA KATRINA LUCERO 18851 IBON, CRISZAN VALLES 18852 IBONA, HANZEL DACALOS 18853 IBONA, JOANNE MARIE NAVOA 18854 Ibong, ILONA AMOUR Garrucho 18855 IBONIA, KRISTINE ANDREA TAN 18856 IBRAHIM AL-JAVIER Taraji 18857 IBRAHIM, ANSARI GUIAPAL 18858 IBRAHIM, FAUDJI GUIAPAL 18859 IBUS, JOANA LAROZA 18860 ICALIA, Lady Love Elenor MIRANDA 18861 ICALINA, LESLIE MANGUNE 18862 ICAO, BORIS GUY LIM-ormoc 18863 icay, KIM GRACE Villarías 18864 icay, Leizel ATIENZA 18865 ICBAN, anniebel ELMENZO 18866 ICBAN, JULIUS PATRICK MAGCAMIT 18867 ICBAN, ROMMEL SALVADOR GENUINO 18868 ICUSPIT, HARLEY Agpaoa 18869 IDAGDAG, JULIE ANN DEREQUITO 18870 IDAGO, LUZMINDA VILLAPAA 18871 IDANG, MARSAN PALAGANAS 18872 IDAOL, MARY MONALIZZA DALIDA 18873 IDEA, myriel Monteroso 18874 IDIA, ROMUELLE INOCENCIO 18875 IDIO, MICHELLE FERRER 18876 IDJAO, MARIA EMMA ENGALAN 18877 IDOLOR, MARSHA Tauli 18878 IDOS, Chinkie Cunanan 18879 IDQUILA, ROSE ANN BHEE MATULA 18880 Idul, ANGELIE ZAMH-ANAN 18881 Idul, JUVELYN CAGUISA 18882 IGANO, ENEVIE ARENDAYEN 18883 IGAR, JULIE - PEARL Virador 18884 IGARTA, LESLIE MAGTANONG 18885 IGAT, JOAN MANIMTIM 18886 IGAT, SUZIE DUTCH TENORIO 18887 Igaya, RUPERTO III JAVATE 18888 IGLESIA, AURORA BUBOD 18889 IGLESIAS, ELVINSON LOBITANIA 18890 IGNACIO, ALLEN GUIMMAYEN 18891 IGNACIO, ANA BETINA FRIGINAL 18892 IGNACIO, BENJAMIN BOLNEO 18893 IGNACIO, CHERRY MAE semblante 18894 IGNACIO, CINDY Gunita 18895 IGNACIO, EDUARDO LOYOLA 18896 IGNACIO, ELAINE GRACE BUSTAMANTE 18897 IGNACIO, EMMANUELLE MONTES 18898 IGNACIO, EUGEN PEREZ 18899 IGNACIO, EVANGELINE AQUINO 18900 IGNACIO, JAN LAURENCE OMAA 18901 IGNACIO, JASON JOSHUA TEVES 18902 IGNACIO, SOMONOD JOANNE MARIE 18903 IGNACIO, JOSEPH MARTIN ADRIANO 18904 IGNACIO, JOVILYN ABDULKADIL 18905 IGNACIO, JULIAN RAFAEL Tallara 18906 IGNACIO, KATHLEEN ROSE DIAZ 18907 IGNACIO, KRISTEL KATE BELTRAN 18.908 IGNACIO, KRISTINE ANN Buensuceso 18909 IGNACIO, Marygrace ESLABRA 18910 IGNACIO, MAYLANIE MENDOZA 18911 IGNACIO, MIGUEL LUIS Tallara 18912 IGNACIO, MYRA Gabilan 18913 IGNACIO, NICASIO III LORICA 18914 IGNACIO, NIKKA TUMLOS 18915 IGNACIO, NOEL Munar 18916 IGNACIO, NOEMI PAGUIRIGAN 18917 IGNACIO, PETER JOHN TORNO 18918 IGNACIO, RACHELLE JOYCE OLEGARIO 18919 IGNACIO, REGINE VINUYA 18920 IGNACIO, ROCHELLE PANIGBATAN 18921 IGNACIO, RODGER SALAS 18922 IGNACIO, ROWELL Tangonan 18923 IGNACIO, SUZETTE BAUTISTA 18.924 IGNACIO, VERGEL BOY LEE 18925 IGNACIO, WILLIAM MENDOZA 18926 IGNAYON, MELISSA SUGMAYAO 18927 ignes, MARIO LEANDRO SIA 18928 ignes, NELISA GLEPA 18929 IGONGIGONG, JENNYBETH TORQUITE 18930 IGONIA, MA ABIGAIL DELA CRUZ 18931 IGOT, ELEUTERIO JR Dagala 18932 IGOT, GLENDALE RAVINA 18933 IGOT, Jovelyn QUIO 18934 IGOT, SARA BUCOG 18935 IGUBAN, MYRON JR BAUTISTA 18.936 IJIRAN, VINCENT MANUEL LAVARIAS 18937 Ikeda, RIMA Tambal 18938 ILAG, LOUIE ANNE BALDEDARA 18939 Ilagan, aiza DALNETTE Kalalo 18940 Ilagan, ALFRED LLOYD LEE FELIPE 18941 Ilagan, EMIL BENJAMIN VIDUYA 18942 Ilagan, girlie GUDOY 18943 Ilagan, GUILLEN AMURAO 18944 Ilagan, IMMI RICAMORA 18945 Ilagan, IVY MARIE CARALOS 18946 Ilagan, JAYSON MAGBOO 18947 Ilagan, JOSEPH CASTRO 18948 Ilagan, KRIS CEIDO 18949 Ilagan, LIZA OBCIANA 18950 Ilagan, LIZA SIGAYA 18951 Ilagan, MAE DOREEN DE LOS REYES 18952 Ilagan, MELODY MENDOZA 18953 Ilagan, petronila CECILIA MACATANGAY 18954 Ilagan, SARAH JANE GAITOS 18955 Ilagan, Sharrie ANNE MERCADO 18956 Ilagan , VIANICE mansueto 18957 ILALTO, ERROL aguinaldo 18958 ILANGA, MA JONNA SALLAVE 18959 ILANGA, VANITO JR DIOCSON 18960 Ilano, MONYEEN PANTANOSAS 18961 ILAO, GLADYS Cunanan 18962 ILAO, HILBERT MENDOZA 18963 ILAO, JAZZYNETH ZAMORA 18964 ILAO, JEFONE FUENTENEGRA 18965 ILAO, KRISTELLA MARIE LLANZA 18966 ILAO, RICARDO JR JABOLI 18967 ILAOS, JOYLYN BENITOY 18968 ILAS, MARY ROSE CAMPAA 18969 Ilaya, Ailyn KAMILLE VITASA 18970 ILDEFENSO, GLUSALIE SANBUENAVENTURA 18971 ILDEFONSO, CINDY JOAN GRAFIL 18972 ILDEFONSO, EMILY ROBIOS 18973 ILDEFONZO, MARIA aiza QUILALA 18974 ILEDAN, MARIA THERESA Landicho 18975 ILEJAY, FRANCIS GEORGE Sellado 18976 ILEJAY, SHAYNE COSCOLLUELA 18977 ILEM, CASSIOPEIA SABOLBORO 18978 ILETO, SHERYL SANTOS 18979 Iligan, Charbel BOCANEGRA 18980 Iligan, JIM CARLO RODRIGUEZ 18981 Iligan, MAVIRLI LIMSON 18982 Iligan, NERESA TINONG 18983 ILLUT, ARIEL DESABILLE 18984 ILOCSO, MA LANIELLYN SUAREZ 18985 ILOGON, ALDY JAMES VESTAL 18986 ILOGON, MARY CRIS ARQUILLANO 18987 ILORETA, KAREN JOY IBEA 18988 iloy, MARIA RASYL Madarang 18989 iLumin, MICHELLE SAPLAN 18990 Ilusorio, CATHERINE IZZABELLE DESPI 18991 Ilusorio, Iriz CORAZON DESPI 18992 Iman, LOU GARY Monera 18993 IMANIL, TEJANE FERNANDEZ 18994 IMASA, DIANE CARLA ABERGAS 18995 IMBANG, DONNA JEAN MALUNES 18996 IMBAO, JOANNE DE TORRES 18997 IMBAT, WORLEY DE ASIS 18998 IMBONG, PAULO FRANCO Panganiban 18999 IMBORNAL, RODOLFO JR TORRALBA 19000 Imlan, FATIMAH NASEYHA AHARUDDIN 19001 IMMATONG, AURELIA PEPE 19002 IMMOLIAP, KAREN jhoy AMBOJNON 19003 IMMOLIAP, MELANIE FRANSHA ANGAWA 19004 IMPAL, FELENN BELLE Chiong 19005 IMPAS, Mäbert JR RAMOS 19006 IMPERIAL, CRISTINE THERESA Aguillón 19007 IMPERIAL, John Percival CAPISTRANO 19008 IMPERIAL, JOSE ALEJANDRO CABINGAS 19009 IMPERIAL, WENDELYN 19010 IMPERIAL, zaldy ISUGA 19011 IMPERIO, MA RONALY AN BERNABE 19012 IMPING, IRYLL LONZAGA 19013 IMPIT, GHAEREE SAJULGA 19014 IMPORTANTE, JOEL SALIGUMBA 19015 IMPORTANTE, Jonald Bation 19016 IMPORTANTE, MIA ERICKAH MALAGA 19017 IMPUERTO, KITZ Magbanua 19018 IMUS, YANESSA Macaranas 19019 Inaldo , CHRISTOPHER BUGAYONG 19020 INARIO, LOUZERIN CABALLERO 19021 INATE, DONNABELLE DASILAG 19022 INCHOCO, MELLICENT MAE ARANA 19023 INCIONG, AISANCE ADRIANO 19024 INCIONG, ALBERTO JR DOMINGO 19025 INCIONG, JUNEA PIL-O 19026 INCISO, CHRISTIAN KARL ALDUCENTE 19027 INCLAN, KATHERINE ANN SOLIS 19028 INDEMNE, JAINA REYES 19029 INDIG, ROWENA JANE CABUGWAS 19030 INDIN, NIHZZAM TAPODOC 19031 INDINO, DONNA MAE CERO 19032 INDINO, GENOR JOY SEBUCO 19033 INDINO, REBECCA JONAH GULLES 19034 INDO, KRISTINE CATHERINE RACHO 19035 INDOYON, ANGELIE MAY MOTA 19036 INERE, REVELYN ABELLERA 19037 INES, JOSELITO LAINO 19038 INES, MARGIE OCO 19039 INES, MARICON GRACE DULDULAO 19040 INES, NIKKI JOY AGSALOG 19041 INES, XANDRA MAE ARRIETA 19042 INFANTADO, CHARMIELOU SANTIAGO 19043 INFANTE, AMOR GRACE PACAMALAN 19044 INFANTE, EDISON REDOBLADO 19045 INFANTE, FEDERICO III YNSAUSTI 19046 INFANTE, JOSHUA MIKHAIL TAN 19047 INFANTE, KHRISTINE AQUINO 19048 INFANTE, MARIA LOUDETTE MAPAYO 19049 INFANTE, MARLON CHAVEZ 19050 INFANTE, MARLOUIE RAMOS 19051 INFANTE, RUBY ALVARILLO 19052 INGALLA, AIZA MARIE DE GUZMAN 19053 INGALLA, BABYLYNE VALENZUELA 19054 INGALLA, JOMAR MENDOZA 19055 INGALLA, MARIA FATIMA CORPUZ 19056 INGALLA, MARY JOY RENTOY 19057 INGALLA, RAYMUEL RAFANAN 19058 INGALLA, ROMMEL ANTHONY ANGELES 19059 INGAN, SHEILA MAE BORROMEO 19060 INGATAN, ARIAN ARIOLA 19061 INGKAGAN, FATIMA AYESSAH BANGONA 19062 INGLES, PRAZE MAE GRANDE 19063 INGOSAN, JOBIMAR BAYENG 19064 INGOY, JULIE ANN LINDA 19065 INGUILLO, MARY-CHE TAYCO 19066 INIBA, DEO RAY CABANADA 19067 INIT, CECILLE CAMILLE NACORDA 19068 INITAN, LIEZL AGUILAR 19069 INLONG, MAILA-ROSE GOMEZ 19070 INOCANDO, JEFREN GAMBOA 19071 INOCANDO, SAMANTHA JOSEPHINE BARCELON 19072 INOCENCIO , BITUIN ESGUERRA 19073 INOCENCIO, CATHERINE CAYACAP 19074 INOCENCIO, CRISTOPHER DUEAS 19075 INOCENCIO, JOAHNA CEL DE ASIS 19076 INOCENCIO, KAREEN BELVIS 19077 INOCENCIO, RONA LIZA SALAYA 19078 INOCENTE, HELEN BAUTISTA 19079 INOFERIO, MARIE CHAN LEPAR 19080 INOLINO, CATHERINA IMPRESO 19081 INOPIA, ANNIECEL VELASCO 19082 INOSANTE, RENATO MACATUAL 19083 INOT, MARK PHILIP FERNANDEZ 19084 INOT, SWEET ANN LAXA 19085 INOVAL, JAY NATHANIEL VALENA 19086 INOVIA, JOAN MARIE LECHADO 19087 INSIGNE, ERICK FAJARDO 19088 INSIGNE, IVORY ANNE DE LA CRUZ 19089 INSIGNE, KERVI OLA 19090 INSIK, LEALENE TUACO 19091 INSO, LYNETTE BACLA-AN 19092 INSON, HALIMA SORIA 19093 INSON, IRAHNEE CHEZA TABLANG 19094 INSULAR, THERESE CORY PESTAO 19095 INTAL, CONEY GATBONTON 19096 INTATANO, AILEEN VILLACORTA 19097 INTENDENCIA, JAYVEE EMEJAS 19098 INTENDENCIA, RONA MAE PANA 19099 INTERIOR, KIMBERLY MAY FLORES 19100 INTERIOR, MARIO MENDOZA 19101 INTERNO, SANDRO DELGADO 19102 INTERONE, ORLANDO AGABON 19103 INTIA, CLARISSA LLABARES 19104 INTIA, PAUL ALBERT SANTOS 19105 INTIG, GLERINE CACHO 19106 INTILA, ELLEN CERDANIA 19107 INTING, MARK ANGELOU KUDEMUS 19108 INTO, JASMIN FERRER 19109 INTO, JORIC JAN FLANDEZ 19110 INTO, JOZZEL DOREEN WONG 19111 INTO, NOEMIE LOMOCSO 19112 INTONG, KHRISTIA KARA ESTAMPADOR 19113 INTONG, RACHEL GATPANDAN 19114 INTOS, CATHERINE ROSE MILA 19115 INTREPIDO, ABEGAIL ARKA SALAMANCA 19116 INTREPIDO, ARLENE OCON 19117 INTREPIDO, DAN MARK SALAMANCA 19118 INUMERABLE, LIEZEL SANDOVAL 19119 INVENTOR, RICHA MAE BALIGUAS 19120 INYAKA, IRISH DAWAGUI 19121 IPAC, CYNDI PANCHA 19122 IPAC, MA JESUSA CHARISMA RAPISURA 19123 IPANAG, KERVY SUMAGCA 19124 IPANAG, MARY JANE CRIST TOLENTINO 19125 IPAPO, MELCHOR RAYMUNDO 19126 IPILI , RYAN RUTHER SINOGAYA 19127 IPORAC, JOSE MARIE PEDRON 19128 IPORAC, LIONEL ANDREW ROMULO 19129 IPORAC, PAMELA ROSE ROMULO 19130 IQUIN, ANA MARIE DAO 19131 IQUIN, DARWIN CASTILLO 19132 IQUIN, MA VICTORIA BINALAY 19133 IRA, GILBERT DIAZ 19134 IRA, KERSTINE JOY ESPINOSA 19135 IRA, PRINCESS ABIGAIL TALIBONG 19136 IRABON, MARIA JEREFFY BUNYOG 19137 IRABON, PAMELA PLACER 19138 IRAG, FRANZ NAVAJA 19139 IRAL, JENNIFER BENEDICTO 19140 IRAPTA, INA KRISTA SACRO 19141 IRAPTA, MARIA VICTORIA EVALO 19142 IRAPTA, MARIANNE VILLAVICENCIO 19143 IRASGA, MELICINT CEBRERO 19144 IRASGA, XYLA MAE AISIS GALEON 19145 IRENEA, IRENE JOY HO 19146 IRIE, SHOJI I RAPIZ 19147 IRINCO, JEANELYN TIMOG 19148 IRINCO, MARISSA IVANA ULANDAY 19149 IRINCO, REDENTOR TEPACE 19150 IRINGAN, MARIA VISITACION LIBAYNE 19151 IRISARI, RYAN ABREA 19152 IROG, VG JOY GUIREGAY 19153 IRORITA, CHRISTOPHER ALVAREZ 19154 ISA, MYSEL AMINOLLA 19155 ISAAC, CARLO JOSE JUAREZ 19156 ISADA, CINDY CABASE 19157 ISAGA, HANNA PEARL MADERAZO 19158 ISAGON, APRIL JOHN ORTEZUELA 19159 ISAGUIRRE, GILBERT VILLANUEVA 19160 ISAIS, GEOCRIS CASTILLANO 19161 ISALES, RONNIE CELESTINO 19162 ISALOC, YVETTE JANE ALMIRANTE 19163 ISIBIDO, KRISTEL ANN DELA CRUZ 19164 ISIDORO, SHIELDON PAGOBO 19165 ISIDRO, DAVE MATHEW AGUISANDA 19166 ISIDRO, GRAYZEL CAMILLE OBOZA 19167 ISIDRO, IRIS URIETA 19168 ISIDRO, JEFFERSON BANGUIS 19169 ISIDRO, JENNY BETH BELISTA 19170 ISIDRO, JOANNA LYN MARZAN 19171 ISIDRO, LEOVIE CABALHIN 19172 ISIDRO, MARIFE CARESSA MINTAR 19173 ISIDRO, MELVIN BATIFORRA 19174 ISIDRO, PANCRACIA LE-IE TUMPALAN 19175 ISIDRO, RUDIECZAR CASTRO 19176 ISIDRO, SHEENA JANE ALEJO 19177 ISIP, CHARMAINE CELSO 19178 ISIP, HONEY GAIL VALENCIA 19179 ISIP, JAMEE KATRINA SUGA 19180 ISIP, ROCILLE MORADA 19181 ISLA, BRIDGETTE GUEVARRA 19182 ISLA, JOHN CARLO MEDEL 19183 ISLA, RHEA DELLE TAPAOAN 19184 ISLA, SARAH JANE BANAG 19185 ISLETA, MARK DAVE MONFERO 19186 ISLETA, MICHAEL ANGELO GARCES 19187 ISMA, LEHRA JANE CLAROS 19188 ISMAEL, NADJMIL MUKSAN 19189 ISMAEL, SAMIR PACANZA 19190 ISMAIL, SHIERHA PATAUEG 19191 ISON, GUILLAN MAY GERONIMO 19192 ISON, MELISA ROXAS 19193 ISRA, JEHANAH DAQUIOAG 19194 ISRAEL, LOUISA GERALDINE CABUENA 19195 ISRAEL, SHERYL ABUDE 19196 ISRAEL, THERESA QUITANIA 19197 ITABLE, MA FLORICA MAE ROADILLA 19198 ITAC, MARY CLAIRE 19199 ITAKURA, MARIA AIREEN JO TUBELLO 19200 ITANG, NOVAHLEEN CUNANAN 19201 ITAY, EUGINA GALANG 19202 ITLIONG, MARIA JENNYLYN INDONG 19203 ITO, KAIRYA MACATEMBAL 19204 ITO, KAREN ANN GALAPIN 19205 ITOH, MITCHELLE MICHIKO GOMICUA 19206 ITONA , MARIA FE REQUILLO 19207 ITORALBA, BIELIE SERDEA 19208 ITUM, IDOL JIPOS 19209 ITURRALDE, JOEL ESTOR 19210 IWAG, CYNTHIA CAPIANES 19211 IWAG, JEFFREY ANDRES 19212 IWAY, ERNESTINE JOY ESCALONA 19213 IIGO, JERICHO ROYCE RAFANAN Congratulations Marcille Grapa Forexworld But can you imagine the huge advantage Wilder had when he first invented and started using the Parabolic SARForexite Metastock Data Converter But most of people dont know how to use this fantastic indicator in to their advantage to get better Forex results. Fxunity Oanda Forex To everyone who had to trade against him, he was a cheating dog. Comments are closed. Average True Range Introduction The Average True Range (ATR) is an indicator that was developed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. who introduced it along with a few other indicators (Parabolic SAR, RSI and the Directional Movement Concept) in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems in 1978. The ATR was originally designed by Wilder to appropriately measure the volatility of Commodities, an instrument that typically has gaps and limit moves that occur when a commodity opens up or down its maximum allowed move for the session. Today, the ATR may be one of the oldest indicators that exist but it is far from being obsolete. Whats very interesting about this indicator is its universal and adaptive nature. Thats why it remains applicable and popular among good trading systems and is used with a wide variety of instruments. Many trading systems use the ATR as an essential tool for measuring the volatility of the market. The Average True Range reveals the volatility in a particular instrument but it does not indicate the price direction. Any trader who is keen on designing an excellent trading system should be familiar with the Average True Range and the many ways it can be used to improve the performance of any trading system. The ATR has numerous functions and its generally applicable in finding trade setups, entry points, stop loss levels and take profit levels with reasonable money management technique. Definition of Terms amp Related Concepts Before we proceed, lets define a few terms that we will be using frequently as we talk about the Average True Range Average True Range (ATR) is an indicator that measures volatility. It is a moving average of the true range for a specific given period. Volatility is defined in terms of market action. An active market is said to be volatile while an inactive market is considered non-volatile. Volatility is directly proportional to the range, so if range increases, it also increases. If the range decreases, so does the volatility of the instrument. Range is the distance that the price moves per increment of time. It is the distance from the highest price to the lowest price of the day, in other words, equivalent to the height of 1 bar or candlestick. It is calculated by taking the difference between the high point and the low point. However, if the current candle is a Doji where the price does not move at all, the real price range is actually the distance from the previous close to the open price of the Dogi (current candle). Also, if the close of the previous candle is not within the current candle, the range begins from the close of the previous candle. It follows that the True Range (TR) is the maximum range that the price has moved either during the current candle or from the previous close to the highest point reached during the candle. True Range is defined as the greatest distance of the following: A. Current High to the Current Low B. Previous Close to the Current High C. Previous Close to the Current Low Absolute values will be used for the calculations to get the distance between the two points. This is because the aim is to get the distance and not the direction. The first range will be used for the calculation of the initial True Range. We will talk more about that in another section. According to Wilder, you must consider the value of the range for a number of periods in order for it to be a useful tool to measure volatility. This is why an average of the true range over a number of periods must be obtained. A sufficient number of periods must be used to provide sufficient sample size to obtain an accurate indication of an instruments price movement. He considers 14 bars to be the best indicator of volatility and uses it for his Volatility system. You will know more about this system as we go along. Here is how the ATR looks like when applied on your chart: CalculationFormula To get the Average True Range (ATR), the average of the true ranges of a number of periods of data is computed. The number of periods affects how adaptive the ATR is to recent changes in volatility. For instance, a shorter average of 10 bars makes the ATR more reactive to the current price range and thus has more fluctuations as compared to a longer average of 20 bars that will show a more stable ATR. The ATR is usually based on 14 periods and can be calculated on an intraday, daily, weekly or monthly basis. We will use 14 periods as our example for the computation. The computation of the initial Average True Range (ATR) differs from the rest of the ATRs. Please refer to the following table for our discussion on the computation: CH 8211 Current High CL 8211 Current Low PC 8211 Previous Close TR 8211 True Range ATR 8211 Average True Range Step 1: Compute for True Range value for 14 days. The first True Range (TR) value is obtained from only 1 period and it is calculated by deducting its Current Low to the Current High. The rest of the TRs will have a value that is the greatest among the 3 computations as defined. TR for day 1 Current High 8211 Current Low TR1 CH 8211 CL 1.36164 8211 1.36050 0.00113 TR for days 2 to 14 will have the greatest value among the following: TR Current High (CH) 8211 Current Low (CL) TR Current High (CH) 8211 Previous Close (PC) TR Current Low (CL) 8211 Previous Close (PC) TR6 CH 8211 CL 1.35959 8211 1.35699 0.00260 TR9 CH 8211 PC 1.36190 8211 1.35490 0.00700 TR11 CL 8211 PC 1.36098 8211 1.36381 0.00283 We use the absolute values because as mentioned earlier, the aim of this computation is to obtain the distance regardless of the direction. Step 2: Compute for the Initial Average True Range value. The first 14-day ATR is the average of the daily TR values for the last 14 days. TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 TR9 TR10 TR11 TR12 TR13 TR14 TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 TR9 TR10 TR11 TR12 TR13 TR14 0.00113 0.00084 0.00163 0.00143 0.00191 0.00260 0.00260 0.00140 0.00700 0.00389 0.00283 0.00129 0.00362 0.00168 Step 3: Compute for the Average True Range value for the rest of the days. To compute for the ATR for the rest of the days, only the information on the previous ATR is held. Multiply the previous ATR by 13, then add the current TR and divide by 14. Current ATR (Previous ATR x 13) Current TR Current ATR (Previous ATR x 13) Current TR (0.00242x 13) 0.00397 Advantages There are 2 main reasons that made the Average True Rage (ATR) remain popularly used with many trading systems through the decades. The ATR is a remarkable measure of market price movement because it can be used across different financial securities and it also adapts to changing market volatility. Because of this, it plays a vital role in setting your stops or take profit levels. Useful Across Different Financial Securities A system that can only be used to trade in one market can be used to trade other markets just by changing the way the calculations are expressed. Using units or multiples of ATR instead of using definitive values such as dollars, points or pips can turn any simple system into a universal trading system. One of the most common uses of the ATR is setting the stop loss level. Below is a typical scenario of how the ATR can be applied to set your stop for different financial instruments. Imagine that we are using a simple system to trade with 2 different instruments, a currency pair (A) and a commodity (B). Given that As ATR is 0.0020 and Bs ATR is 300, the huge difference between the volatility levels would require us to set 2 different stop loss levels. For instance, our stops may be 0.0030 for A and 450 for B. On the other hand, if we use values in units or multiples of ATR to set our stop loss for our system, we will need only 1 value to compute the stop loss level for both markets. We can set our stop 1.5 ATRs from the entry price. As stop loss level would still be 0.0030 (computed from 1.5 x 0.0020) and Bs stop loss level would also be at 450 (computed from 1.5 x 300). Adaptive To Changing Market Conditions Substituting units or multiples of ATR to the usual dollar, point, pip or whatever units of measure used in your system can make it remain applicable in the long run without reoptimization despite any changes in price movement or volatility. We are well aware that market conditions and, consequently, price movement or volatility, can change and will change either abruptly or gradually. Since the ATR changes in direct proportion to changes in volatility, it can easily bring your stop closer or farther to allow enough space for price movement normally expected for that particular volatility level. Unless the market has changed in direction, you will not be stopped out. Heres a typical scenario to prove this point If the market quiets down and the ATR of A changes to 0.0010 and B changes to 150, the 0.0030 stop for A and 450 stop for B are now too far, causing you to lose an unnecessarily large amount from every single trade. Similarly, if the market becomes extremely volatile and the ATR of A increases to 0.0040 and B increases to 600, the 0.0030 stop for A and 450 for B are now too close, causing you a higher percentage of losing trades. We need to reoptimize our system to suit the current market conditions. On the other hand, if we substitute units of ATR to the amounts we were originally using as our stop, our system would greatly improve. When volatility changes, our stops would automatically adjust to accommodate the change. So, if the market quiets down and the ATR of A changes to 0.0010 and B changes to 150, our new stop for A would be 0.0015 (computed from 1.5 x 0.0010) and our stop for B would be 225 (computed from 1.5 x 150). Similarly, if the market becomes extremely volatile and ATR changes to 40 pips, our stop would now be at 60 pips (1.5 x 40). Notice that the stop loss level is adjusted automatically even if we are still using the same stop loss value which is 1.5 ATR. Our improved system is still applicable and there is no need for reoptimization. That is the essence of using the ATR in any trading system. Because it can adapt to change and can be used with different markets without altering its value, it significantly cuts off a big chunk of hard work when looking into different markets and its accompanying fluctuations in volatility. Most systems that use the ATR are applicable not only in the past and the present, but also in the future despite any changes in market volatility. Interpreting the ATR Now that we know what the Average True Rage (ATR) is and how it is computed, we need to know what the values of the ATR mean. Depending on its readings, the ATR can be used in all aspects of the trading process. Low ATR Reading A low reading of ATR simply indicates that the market is quiet and less volatile. The volume of the market is light. This may mean any of the following: 1. The market is ranging when the ATR is relatively low. There isnt enough volatility to move the market in an uptrend or a downtrend. 2. Price has reached the bottom or top, which is eventually be followed by price reversal. Have a look at the image below. In the first section of the image above, you can see that the ATR is generally low and has now peaks. Notice that the market is just ranging at that time. In the rest of the sections, you will see that an uptrend has formed and every time the ATR reaches its lowest levels, a change in price direction follows. High ATR Reading On the other hand, an increased ATR simply indicates that the market is very active and is highly volatile. This would indicate that a much stable trend is imminent because there is sufficient movement in the market for the price to move in an uptrend or a downtrend. The ATR peaks when any of the following situations occur: 1. During a rally or a period of sustained increase in price. 2. During a sustained period of decline in price. Take a look at the image with the peaks marked below. As you can see, the ATR increases when the market is moving up or down and it usually peaks when a sustained movement has occurred. However, when the market makes a strong move in one direction that is stronger than the normal fluctuations above, it is assumed that a new trend is now forming (breakout). Now that we know what the readings of the Average True Range Mean, well find out how it these concepts can be used with logic in the various aspects of our trading Entry, Stop Loss, Take Profit. When the ATR reaches its lowest levels, a change in price direction usually follows. Heres how we can use this information to our advantage. When the market is trending, enter only after the price has retraced and is returning to the general trend. Here, we will buy once a retracement has ended and the price continues going up in the uptrend. Inversely, we will only sell once a retracement in a downtrend has ended and the price continues going down. For example, a 50 period moving average (MA) is used to identify the general trend. The current close must be 2 ATRs or more than the 50 MA to ensure that the general trend is up. To ensure that we are in a retracement (dip), the current close should be 2 ATRs or more below the close 5 days ago. You will know when the dip has ended when a new candle opens and reaches 1 ATR above the previous low. The price is now returning to the general trend, and this is when you enter the buy trade. The opposite of the above conditions will be the rules for entering a sell trade. The market usually becomes very volatile when a new trend is now forming. This is called a breakout, and we can use the ATR values to confirm it. Since the price normally only reaches up to a number of ATRs only, exceeding that level indicates that an unusual phenomenon occurred, a breakout is happening and thus the beginning of a new trend. Heres an example. Supposing that the price normally rises or falls 2 ATRs from the previous close, you will only buy if the price reaches 3 ATRs higher from the previous close. Inversely, you will only sell if the price reaches 3 ATRs lower than the previous close. In the previous images, you will notice that a low ATR reading is always followed by a high reading. The ATR is cyclical in nature, increasing and decreasing alternately. Knowing when the market is quiet is important because it means that the volatility will increase soon indicating a possible trade setup. If we want to refine our signals, we can begin with a period of low volatility and wait for an increase in volatility before looking to enter the trade. Note however, that the ATR only indicates the volatility and not the direction. You will either sell or buy depending on the direction of the trend. Some trading systems only place trades after the price has reached the extreme peak or extreme bottom and has reversed. Here, you will buy only after the market has reached a significant decline in price, and you will sell only after a sustained period of increase in price. As soon as the price reversed, traders wait for it to reach a number of ATRs in the new direction before entering the trade. Depending on the system, the values of the number of ATRs and periods vary. The Average True Range plays an important role in selecting the stop loss level in a trade. It can also be used to trail your stops. One great example would be Chuck LeBeaus famous Chandelier Exit. Here, the stop loss level is expressed in ATRs so it also adjusts to the changing market conditions. The stop loss level will be set an N number ATRs from the highest highclose for a buy trade or from the lowest lowclose is reached for a sell trade. The Chandelier Exit is so called because it hangs downward from the ceiling of the market. Note, however, that the movement of the Chandelier Exit is only in one direction. It only goes up for a buy trade or down for a sell trade. The exit rules for systems using the Chandelier Exit may let you stop your loss when the price reaches the highest high of the trade minus 3 ATRs (computed as Highest High 8211 3ATR) or when the price reaches the highest close reached during the trade minus 3 ATRs (computed as Highest Close 8211 3ATR). Take Profit The Average true range is not only used as a basis for the stop loss level, it also plays a significant role in setting the take profit level. Our discussion on the use of dollars to express the value of the stop loss level goes the same way if we express it as number of periods or pips. Lets apply the same principle in setting the take profit. We know that even backtests indicate that a certain value such as 40 pips is the best take profit level, it will only hold true for the time being and may need reoptimization as the market condition changes. But again, market conditions are ever changing and degree of volatility will always change. If the markets are unusually quiet, we may not reach our 40-pip take profit level. On the other hand, if the market is extremely volatile, you can only take 40 pips even if you could have taken much more than 40 pips. Because of this, 40 pips is not an ideal measure of our profit target. To have a more stable system, we need a profit target that can adapt to changes in volatility. This can be achieved when we express our profit target in terms of ATRs. Heres an example. Given that our backtests indicate that the best profit target is 4 ATRs, it is equivalent to 40 pips in normal market conditions. This time, when the market is extremely quiet, it may only be equivalent to 20 pips. On the other hand, when the market becomes very volatile, 4 ATRs may be equal to 80 pips. There is no need for reoptimization because the ATR based profit target readily adapts to the changes market conditions. When using the ATR based profit target and the market tends to be extremely volatile, your winners will be bigger than usual because your target profit has increased along with the increase in volatility, even if you will have the same percentage of winning trades. Just like our example earlier, when the market becomes extremely volatile, the value of our 4 ATR increases to 80 pips. We will get out with 40 more pips as compared to our usual take profit level during normal market conditions. Setting appropriate stop loss and take profit levels are important aspects of money management that no trader should miss out. Let me show you the difference that the ATR can make when used in a trading system. Lets compare 2 systems with similar rules but with different units of measure. Have a look at the System 1 and System 2 below. The systems above look similar. If the current ATR is 10 pips, you will be entered and exited with the same prices. Both systems are equally effective if only market conditions remain the same. Unfortunately, the market is ever changing and volatility fluctuates. When that happens, System 2 will still be applicable but not System 1. Let me show you what I mean8230 Assuming that the market becomes extremely volatile that the current ATR becomes 20 pips, the previous ATR which is 10 pips has been doubled. Have a look at the table below to have a better grasp of the scenario. As you can see, the entry for System 1 remains the same. With the increase in volatility, you will be entered unreasonably in too many trades. On the other hand, System 2 will give you only the entries that count since its entry has been increased because of the increased volatility. The same holds true with the take profit level. With System 1, you will be taken out with your profit too early, and you will only get 40 pips per trade even if you could have earned 80 pips. Using System 2 will allow you to get bigger profits because the take profit level increases with the increase in volatility. For the stop loss, System 1 will now take you out of your trades prematurely. You will be in and out of trades with losses that you are not supposed to get. In contrast, the stop loss level for System 2 is much farther. As volatility increased, the stop loss is increased accordingly to give the price enough space to retrace and go back to its original direction. Because System 2 adapts to the changes in market conditions, we will achieve a stable winloss ratio. In addition, our winning trades become bigger as a result of the increased take profit levels due to the increase in volatility. This goes to show that System 2 is a significant improvement of System 1. Application: ATR-Filtered SMA System Now youve seen how the proper use of the Average True Range can greatly improve a simple trading system. Let me show you how I use the ATR to filter my entries, stop loss and exittake profit levels for a simple system with 2 SMAs. Here is my RTA-Filtered SMA System. Currency Pair . EURUSD I use the 15 Minute timeframe to check for the ATR reading before finding trade setups. I also use it to enter my trades. I use the 4 Hour and 1 Hour timeframes to confirm the general trend of the market. 14 Period Average True Range (0.001 level) 8 Period Simple Moving Average (8 Period SMA) 21 Period Simple Moving Average (21 Period SMA) Below are the Buy Trade Rules for my system. The exact opposite will hold true for Sell trade rules and will not be discussed. 1. On the M15 chart, the 14 ATR must be 0.0010 or less before looking for signals. This indicates that the market is quiet, and a possible breakout is about to occur. I just use the 0.001 level to serve as a visual signal that the ATR has reached a low level in the EURUSD chart. 2. Wait for the price to be above the 8 SMA and the 8 SMA to cross above the 21 SMA in the H4, H1 and M15. I do this to ensure that I am in the appropriate trend I will only enter a buy trade only when the trend is up. 3. Identify the most recent lowest lowswing low then add 3 ATRs to the closing price of that candle (Closing Price 3ATR). Wait for the price to close above this level. I can confirm that the downtrend has reversed to an uptrend if the price moves more than 3 ATRs from the lowest close. I use 3 ATRs because this is the recommended multiplier by Wilder. 4. As soon as Point 2 and Point 3 have been met, enter a buy trade. 5. Set the stop loss 3 ATRs below the entry price. If the price moves against my favor and reaches 3 ATRs below the entry price, there is a bigger probability that the market has completely turned against me. Here, I would rather cut my losses short before it gets out of hand. 6. Exit at the open of the next candle when both conditions are met: a. The 8 SMA crosses under the 21 SMA. B. Price crosses 3ATRs from the highest close. When the 8 SMA crosses under the 21 SMA, it may indicate that the price is now retracing or reversing. I use the ATR reading to confirm this, so only when the price reaches 3 ATRs from the highest close will I take my profit and close my trade. To get a better idea, have a look at some examples in the next page. Buy Trade Example 1: In the image above, you can see that I started looking for the trade setup along the blue vertical line where the ATR is below 0.001 level. The price was above the SMAs, and the 8 SMA completely crossed in the H4 and H1 at the close of the candle along the dotted green vertical line. The most recent lowest low was at 1.30899 indicated by the blue horizontal line, and the ATR level then was at 0.0010, so I computed 3 ATRs from there so that I can enter a buy trade when the price exceeds that level. Recent Lowest Close 1.30899 3ATR Recent Lowest Close 3 (0.0010) 1.30899 I entered a buy trade at the open of the candle indicated by the solid green line then set my stop loss level 3 ATRs below it. Buy Entry Price (open of next candle) 1.31320 Stop Loss 1.31020 Entry Price 8211 3 (ATR) 1.31320 8211 3 (0.0010) 1.31320 8211 0.00300 Later on, I noticed that the 8 SMA began to cross under the 21 SMA, so I computed 3 ATRs from the highest close to confirm that the trend was now reversing and exited the trade as soon as the price reached that level. Recent Highest Close 1.33783 Highest Close 8211 3 (ATR) 1.33783 8211 3 (0.0014) 1.33783 8211 0.0042 ExitTake Profit 1.33417 Buy Trade Example 2: In this example, I just repeated the process of checking for signals when the ATR went below 0.001. I then waited for the price to be above the SMAs and that 8 SMA would be above 21 SMA. I entered the trade as soon as the price exceeded 3 ATRs from the close of the previous swing low. Recent Lowest Close 1.33068 3ATR Recent Lowest Close 3 (0.0010) 1.33068 I then set my stop loss level 3 ATRs below the entry price. Buy Entry Price (open of next candle) 1.33410 Entry Price 8211 3 (ATR) 1.31320 8211 3 (0.0013) 1.31320 8211 0.0039 When the price retraced and the SMAs crossed, I computed for 3 ATRs from the close of the highest candle and exited the position when the price reached that level. Highest Close 1.34477 Highest Close 8211 3 (ATR) 1.34477 8211 3 (0.0026) 1.34477 8211 0.0078 ExitTake Profit 1.33720 Watch this video to see how I use the Average True Range (ATR) to my advantage in my simple trading system. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO CommentsNotes The use of the Average True Range in expressing the stop loss levels may expose a particular position to greater risks when the volatility greatly increases. As such, it may exceed the maximum risk set by our money management. It is then advisable to have a set stop for emergency situations expressed in dollars, points, or pips. This can be used when volatility increases and the trade is in our favor. We can also reduce the lot size to reduce the risk exposure, but do this only when volatility is increasing and the trade is going against our favor. To maximize the profits taken per trade, you can also reduce the distance from the price to your trailing stop once you are already in a stable profit. Supposing that your trailing stop is originally set at 2 ATRs from the high, and your profit is steadily increasing, you can tighten your stop by reducing the distance between your highlow (for a buysell) and the stop to 1.5 ATRs. Conclusion Indeed, the Average True Range (ATR) is a brilliant volatility indicator. It identifies the strength of the price movement or volatility. A highly volatile market is typically followed by a quiet market and because the ATR identifies when the volatility increases, it can help confirm the breakout of a new trend. Although the ATR cannot tell the direction of the market, it is still a vital tool in identifying logical entries, profit targets and stops. Aside from those mentioned, the ATR can be used as in conjunction with other indicators or as part of a trading system to help filter trade signals. Over the decades, this unique indicator managed to not only survive but remain popularly used in many trading systems simply because of these reasons. The ATR can be used in many different ways to help make your system remain applicable despite changing market conditions. It also makes your system suitable for different financial instruments. I hope that with this report, I was able to show you the significance of the Average True Range in trading when used properly. I suggest you try it out and tweak some settings to see what suits best for your trading style. Join Us At Surefire Trading Challenge You Never Need To Buy Or Pay For Anything To Be Part Of Our Community The Largest Independent Forex Trading Competition In The World
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